キム ヨンジュン

Hi! I studied ITI, CS, and Japanese at Rutgers and I'm in limbo right now. 🙃 I've studied in 🇺🇸, 🇰🇷, and 🇯🇵. At the moment I'm learning Java Spring, MERN stack, and iOS development.

I like spending time riding bikes 🚲, learning 3d modelling 🫖, taking pictures 📷, looking up furniture and interior designs 🪑, and cooking 🫕 when I'm free!

Blog LinkedIn CV
GitHub: @yjkxx Instagram: @yjkxx


Route Planner
Webapp for endurance athletes - returns weather data along a route given a departure date and avg. speed.
login: Google/Twitter login API
map data: Mapbox (lower cost v. Google maps, more map customizability
route data: .gpx file upload - browser-side conversion to GeoJSON -> update mapbox API call w/ route data

Cloudnotes iOS notes app built with MERN stack.
Fullstack project to test different DB, currently working on implementing SurrealDB and Java Spring.


Java, C, Python, JavaScript, Swift

Work experiences

Interpark - B2B e-commerce service

Backend Intern - June 2016 - August 2016
Shadowed backend engineer on refactoring legacy API


Data structures, Computer Architecture, Database Technologies

email me at youngjoonkim.nj@gmail.com!